

This policy covers all mechanical, electrical, and boiler rooms within the IU Southeast campus.

The inherent dangers and potential hazards associated with various types of complex equipment inside such spaces dictate that only authorized university constructions, maintenance, and safety personnel, and/or authorized contractors hired by the university, shall have access to, or shall enter these rooms. The potential for serious injury or death mandates that this policy be strictly enforced.

All doors entering these areas are to be locked at all times. If a situation arises that the doors need to be left open, a designated person shall be required to stand watch until the doors can be secured.

The Indiana Fire Code edition 2015, Section 315.3.3, states that combustible materials shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms, electrical equipment rooms, or in fire command centers as specified in Section 508.1.5. Storage of any kind, except that which pertains to the maintenance of equipment in that facility, is strictly prohibited.

The usage of any mechanical room, electrical room, or boiler room within campus, for purposes other than its designated usage is, without exception, prohibited.


Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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