D-7. Student Travel
Individual students or student groups (e.g., athletic teams, debate teams, musical groups, etc.) who represent the university and incur travel expenses that are to be reimbursed from an account administered by Indiana University must make arrangements through the appropriate academic school or department. Student travel may be authorized if individual students or groups of students participate in an activity with an IU Southeast employee acting as an advisor or coordinator. See the website for additional travel guidelines. Also refer to the IU Risk Management website for guidelines on student eligibility and use of university-sponsored vehicles.
Student Travel Awards from the Office of Dean for Research
Student travel awards are available through the Office of Dean for Research. Interested students must complete and forward the Student Travel Award application to the Office of Academic Affairs. These funds provide partial support for students who will be presenting their research or creative work at professional meeting. A faculty sponsor should complete the application.
Learning Enrichment Travel Reimbursement Funds
Student travel reimbursement funds for learning enrichment experiences are available through student activity fees. A faculty or staff sponsor must submit the Student Travel Funds Application on behalf of the student in accordance with the Student Travel Funds Criteria. Applications must be submitted, prior to the travel date, to the Office of Student Affairs for review by the Student Life Committee on a first-come, first-served basis. Approval for Learning Enrichment travel reimbursement will be based on criteria compliance and availability of funds.