

Policies related to exterior public art are specified in which states:


To insure that all exterior changes to each Indiana University campus are subject to appropriate and consistent review by campus administration and the Trustees of Indiana University. To support the special role Indiana University plays in contributing to the cultural and aesthetic dimensions of the state by encouraging each campus to promote its unique exceptional beauty and to create opportunities for the visual arts to take their proper place in the cultural life of the community of which each campus is a part.


All permanent exterior art installations are subject to review and approval by the Board of Trustees, typically after full discussion by the Facilities Committee. Projects are brought to the Committee by the Office of the Vice President for Capital Planning & Facilities.

All exterior installations shall be reviewed by the University Architect's Office and the department on each campus charged with maintenance of the physical plant for compliance with safety, structural, and code requirements. The Office of Risk Management is responsible for insurance arrangements.

In certain situations, the Trustees shall delegate to the chancellor of each campus authority to review and approve individual objects or installations. These exceptions are enumerated in the definitions portion of this policy and are subject to periodic review by the Trustees of Indiana University.

The chancellor of each campus shall appoint a Campus Arts Committee (see Procedures section below).

Each campus should seek to collaborate with the adjoining community in planning for public art installations on lands adjoining the campus.


Exterior art installations for which the Trustees have delegated authority to review individual objects or installations to the chancellor of each campus:

  1. Temporary outdoor installations: those installed for periods of less than one year in a campus-designated site reviewed periodically with the university architect, the campus master planner, and other university officials as needed.
  2. Student and alumni works temporarily displayed by each school or department of art: those installed for periods less than six months in a site recommended by the school or department.
  3. Permanent exterior installations of works which are selected through a juried process which is approved in advance by the Trustees and in which designated Trustees participate as jury members

Physical Plant is used to refer to that unit on each campus that is responsible for maintenance of buildings and grounds. It is referred to as Physical Plant on Bloomington, Kokomo, Northwest, and Southeast campuses. Exceptions are at IUPUI (Campus Facility Services), East (Physical Facilities), and South Bend (Facilities Management).


Membership of the Campus Arts Committee shall include:

  1. The university architect, the director of the University Art Museum, and the dean or chair of the School or Department of Art as ex-officio voting members;
  2. One community representative drawn from the Board of Advisors or similar body;
  3. And such other members as the chancellor determines.

Responsibilities of the Campus Arts Committee are to make recommendations to the chancellor regarding:

  1. Temporary outdoor installations as defined in the definitions section of the Policy
  2. Complaints or other matters referred by the Chancellor
  3. Plans for permanent installations
  4. Acceptance of gifts of art or of monies to acquire works of art affected by this policy
  5. Repair, restoration, or removal of public art
  6. Public art for heavily trafficked interior space


Office of the Vice President for Capital Planning & Facilities

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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