

The following categories of personnel at IU Southeast and these codes are used in personnel administration. Within some of these classifications there are ranks or salary grades which identify the relative standing of the positions.

Exempt Positions

Exempt from the Fair Labor Standard Act because they perform administrative, executive, or professional work as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor regulations.

Academic Appointments

FT - Instructional and Research (Faculty)
LT - Librarians
FC - Nursing Clinical

The instructional and research category is further subdivided as follows:
FT Faculty Subdivisions
FT1 - Professor AAI - Dean
FT2 - Associate Professor AAG - Associate Vice Chancellor
FT3 - Assistant Professor AAM - Director
FL5 - Lecturer HA - Acting Administrative
AAE - Chancellor FA5 - Adjunct
AAF - Vice Chancellor FV5 - Visiting Lecturer

Professional Staff

PA - Professionals under paid time-off plan
PB - Professionals under former AD/PR plan
PAO - Professionals who receive compensation for overtime work and who; therefore, must submit attendance reports

Professional staff positions have been ranked from 01 through 06 (e.g., PAE1 or PAO1)

Non-Exempt Positions

Non-exempt staff that receive compensation for overtime work and who; therefore, submit attendance reports:


CL - Clerical
LE - Law Enforcement
TE - Technical
SM - Service Maintenance

Clerical and technical staff positions are ranked at levels from CLOD through CLOL; the higher the letter, the higher the salary grade. Service maintenance staff positions are ranked at levels of SMO1 through SMO7.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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