

Hospitality expenses are costs incurred in the hosting of non-university individuals (and in some cases, university employees) for a bonafied university purpose. Funds have been budgeted in a special expense account, managed by the vice chancellor for Administrative Affairs, to cover the cost of meals or refreshments incurred by faculty and staff of Indiana University as part of their official duties. These expenses must meet Indiana University guidelines for allowable hospitality expenses covered by university operating funds, excluding IU Foundation funds as follows:

  • Recruitment of faculty, staff, or students;
  • Official, ceremonial functions of the university;
  • Receptions for which the primary purpose is the attendance and benefit of a group of students or potential students;
  • Employee recognition receptions (service anniversaries, retirements);
  • Refreshments for official Human Resources training sessions or when training is provided by an external consultant.

These funds are to be used for institutional benefit and never for personal benefit or privilege of university employees. For pre-approved us of the special expense account, use the Special Expense - Hospitality Request form which can be found on the Accounting Services website, under Special Expense. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. For additional information or questions on hospitality expenses, contact the Accounting Services Office.

Meals for Candidates Purchased Off Campus

In order to insure that food expenditures are not excessive, maximum reimbursements have been established which are:

  • Breakfast $10.00; Host plus candidate $20.00 maximum
  • Lunch $15.00; Host plus candidate $30.00 maximum
  • Dinner $25.00; Host plus candidate $50.00 maximum

In addition to reimbursement limits for each type of meal, when entertaining prospective employees, meal charges will be limited to the cost of the meal for each guest and the cost of the meal for the member of the university faculty or staff who is serving as the host. Amounts spent above these limits must be borne by the host. Original, detailed receipts must accompany the forms; charge card receipts are not acceptable. For reimbursement of funds expended, the Special Expense - Campus Funded Event - Payment Request form should be completed and forwarded to Accounting Services for processing and payment.

Meals for Candidates Purchased On Campus

Candidates who are dining on campus may be provided with a meal through Conference and Catering. The host department may order a catered meal to be delivered to a conference room. In such a case, a Special Expense - Campus Funded Event - Payment Request form should be submitted to Accounting Service at least two weeks prior to the candidate lunch.

The host may also purchase a meal for the candidate at the campus food court and request reimbursement through the Special Expense - Campus Funded - Event Payment Request form. In either case, the established maximum reimbursement amounts would still apply.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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