

Candidates for faculty and professional staff positions are eligible for reimbursement of expenses associated with recruitment visits to IU Southeast in accordance with IU Travel Services and University policies.

School personnel should process, through Chrome River, faculty reimbursements using the appropriate account number assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs. Departments may, for professional staff reimbursements, submit itemized receipts to the Office of Administrative Affairs (US-156) for Chrome River processing from an account that has been created to cover such eligible expenses.

Schools, divisions, and departments can make hotel reservations for candidates; however, each candidate should pay the hotel directly and request reimbursement from the university. Candidates travelling from within the United States are no longer required to complete a W-9 tax form in order to receive reimbursement. The candidate must provide confirmation of their home address and itemized receipts for airfare, lodging, rental vehicle, taxi or shuttle, parking, and tolls. Receipts for meals are not accepted. If the trip is eligible for Per Diem reimbursement, it will be included in the final reimbursement. Please refer to the on the Travel Management website and to  regarding receipts and required documentation. For information on international candidate travel, please refer to . 

To request reimbursement for candidate recruitment or FYS social hospitality, a Hospitality Payment Form should be completed.  Please note, the form should be downloaded and saved when accessed directly from the website. Candidate recruitment requests and receipts should be sent to your designated budget analyst or account delegate. 

Candidate Recruitment

Candidate meal expenses are funded with departmental accounts.  Additional attendees beyond one host and candidate or overages to the below limits can be covered with IU Foundation funds with dean/director approval.  Any alcohol should be covered with IU Foundation funds, also subject to dean/director approval.

The meal limits are as follows:

  • Breakfast $15.00; Host plus Candidate Maximum of $30.00
  • Lunch $20.00; Host plus Candidate Maximum of $40.00
  • Dinner $30.00; Host plus Candidate Maximum of $60.00

Online Resources:

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

View the website in ·¡²õ±è²¹Ã±´Ç±ô


