G-11. Marquee And Video Bulletin Board
IU Southeast has two strong outlets for announcing events: The outdoor marque sign at the campus entrance and the video bulletin board (“VBB”) flat-panel TVs in University Center. Only academic units, administrative departments, the IU Foundation, alumni groups, and official campus organizations may use these outlets.
Display of announcements will be based on the following priority system, where priority 1 is highest:
- University-sponsored events with wide audience appeal (e.g. cultural, social and special events, commencement, honors day, registration, varsity basketball);
- Campus-wide events sponsored by student organizations/groups (e.g. dances, blood drives, parties) and official announcements of wide interest (e.g. financial aid and continuing education);
- Announcements with limited campus interest (e.g. recognizing individuals or groups who have received regional or national recognition).
Requests for announcements should be submitted electronically by following the “Submit an Event” link on the IU Southeast home page. Events must be submitted separately to the campus calendar, the marquee, and the VBB.
The marquee is managed by Campus Life. Submissions should be sent at least one week prior to the event. Duration of messages on the marquee is limited to one week (if space permits). The director of Campus Life will decide which events will be publicized on the marquee if requests exceed available capacity.
Video Bulletin Board
The video bulletin board is co-managed by and University Communications. Submissions should be sent at least two weeks prior to the event. Announcements on the VBB normally have a two week run. Notices with longer durations may be programmed to appear on alternating days at the direction of the VBB editor.