

Bulletin boards and kiosks are placed in strategic locations throughout the campus. There is also a banner wall located in the UC Hallway. Each bulletin board and banner wall is clearly identified as to its purpose.

Category Office Responsible for Monitoring

Bulletin Board Location Office Responsible
A - Academic and Administrative School, Division, or Office Assigned
B - Official University Announcements Campus Life
C - Campus Events & Activities Campus Life
D - Community Events & Activities Campus Life
E - Buy & Sell Campus Life
F - Banner Wall Campus Life

Kiosks and Bulletin Board Regulations:

Regulations regarding the use of these bulletin boards and kiosks are as follows:

  1. All materials to be posted must be brought to the Campus Life Office (US 010) for approval and posting by office personnel. Materials may be posted only on appropriate bulletin boards and kiosks. They may not be taped, pinned, tacked, or otherwise affixed to interior or exterior building surfaces, clock in the McCullough Plaza, trees, or other natural formations.
  2. Posters must bear the name of and the means to contact the individual or organization associated with the posted material.
  3. Posters are not to exceed 14" X 22" in size without permission of the dean of Campus Life.
  4. Materials in Categories C and D may not be posted more than two weeks in advance of the event.
  5. A removal date assigned by Campus Life will be shown in the lower right hand corner of posters in Categories B, C, D, and E.
  6. Placement of handbills or advertising materials on motor vehicles is forbidden.
  7. Students running for campus offices in a Student Government Association sponsored election may post campaign posters on Campus Activities bulletin boards not more than two weeks prior to the election.
  8. Posted materials not meeting the above stipulations and material whose removal date has passed will be removed by authorized personnel.

Banner Wall Regulations:

Regulations regarding the use of the banner wall are as follows:

  1. The banner wall is reserved through the Campus Life. Organizations/groups may reserve the wall two weeks per semester. These may not be two consecutive weeks. On any Monday when the banner wall is not reserved for that week, an organization/group may use it by contacting the Office of Campus Life. This week would not count as one of their two allotted weeks during the semester.
  2. Banners must bear the name of the individual or the organization associated with the posted material.
  3. Banners are not to exceed 9' X 6' in size.
  4. Posted materials not meeting the above stipulations will be removed by authorized personnel.

These regulations may be waived only under unusual circumstances. Individuals or organizations/groups seeking an exception to the established policies and procedures should petition the office of Campus Life in writing.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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