

Firearms Prohibitions:

Unauthorized firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other items that the campus police consider to be dangerous are prohibited on university premises and at IU events. This policy includes activities such as introducing, possessing, using, buying, or selling firearms even with a valid state firearms permit. Only law enforcement officers and others, in exceptional circumstances, who have prior approval by the police chief, are authorized to carry a firearm. This prohibition extends to all University-controlled sites where university employees are working or University-directed activities are being held. For additional information on this policy, refer to .

Alcohol & Drug-Free Campus:

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance (usually referred to as illegal drugs listed under the federal Controlled Substances Act) and alcohol is prohibited on university property or in the course of a university activity. For additional information on this policy, refer to .

Tobacco-Free Campus:

Tobacco, and tobacco products, are strictly prohibited within all university-owned or leased property and buildings to include offices, hallways, lounges, rest rooms, elevators, classrooms, meeting rooms, dining areas, and all internal and external community areas (except personal vehicles). This policy applies to all employees, students, and visitors. The complete IU Southeast Tobacco-Free policy is available at on the IU Southeast Tobacco-Free website.

Tobacco-Free Policy:

January 1, 2008

Campus Policy:

The use or sale of tobacco or tobacco products is prohibited on university-owned, -operated, -or leased property.

The use or sale of tobacco or tobacco products is prohibited in university-owned, -leased, -or operated vehicles.

The use of tobacco or tobacco products in personal vehicles is allowable.

Enforcement of this policy will depend upon all members of the campus community to comply with, and encourage others to comply with, this policy in order to ensure a healthy environment to work, study, and live.

Violations of the policy will be handled through existing processes already in place for students, faculty, and staff. This policy will be incorporated into the IU Southeast Faculty Manual and Staff Handbook. Student violations will be processed under the Student Code of Conduct. Complaints regarding violations of this policy should be referred to the appropriate office: For faculty, the Office of Academic Affairs; for staff, Human Resources; and for students, Office of Student Affairs.

Smoking cessation programs will be offered to all employees and students at little or no cost to the participants. Continuation of the cessation programs will be evaluated annually to determine if these programs should be continued based on interest and participation.

Building Security:

Normally, campus classroom buildings will be open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the period of time when classes are in session. Buildings will remain closed and locked until 7 a.m. of the day on which regular scheduled activities resume. The Activities Building, Library, and Computer Services micro-labs will be open in accordance with the schedules established by those departments. Copies of those schedules are to be sent to the University Police Department. If a building must be open for a specific university-sanctioned event, the University Police Department should be notified at least 48 hours in advance. All buildings will be closed and locked on holidays and other announced days that the campus is officially closed.

Personnel will be issued necessary office and building keys, and any person utilizing the buildings after hours is responsible for the security of these buildings. If an individual must have access to an area that has been secured, it will be necessary for the person responsible for that area to email the Chief of Police and the University Police email account SE University Police (SE University Police sepolice@iu.edu) with a list of persons needing access, room numbers, and date/time range of access.


The keys and locks on this campus are part of a unique system that provides for a relatively high level of security of buildings and property. Keys to access buildings and offices are issued only to appointed employees through the University Police Department. The distribution of keys is made on the basis of a key request that is signed by the employee’s department head. Contact the University Police Department for a key request card.

Employees are personally liable for the keys assigned to them and, in the event a key is lost, a charge of $10 will be assessed. If the loss necessitates a change of cores or sub-master cores, an additional charge may be assessed to the employee’s department. A $25 charged is assessed for lost Intellikeys.

Children in the Workplace:

To ensure that the campus does not incur undue liability and that the work environment is not disrupted, employees should make every effort to find a childcare provider, instead of bringing a child into the workplace. It is recognized that there may be an occasional emergency or special situation where an employee must bring a child to the workplace for a short period of time. In such an event, permission must be obtained from the dean or department head to have a child in the workplace. During the time the child is in the workplace, the child must be kept under close supervision by the employee and not allowed to disrupt others. If there are disruptive incidents, the employee may be directed to remove the child.

Children are encouraged to be brought to campus for special programs and events, to tour the campus, to use the library, to shop in the bookstore, to purchase food at the campus food services outlets. In all these cases, though, the parent (or guardian) must ensure that proper supervision is provided.

Pets in Campus Buildings:

For health and safety reasons, pets are not allowed in campus buildings at any time. Exceptions are service animals and police personnel.

Security Plan for Animal Facilities:

All requests to visit campus animal facilities must be presented in writing to and approved by the dean for Research. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs for assistance and additional regulations.

Campus Signage:

Requests for internal campus signage to identify buildings, rooms, or departments should be made through University Police.

Requests for external campus signage to identify buildings, parking, or other external signage should be made through Facility Operations.

Risk Management/Insurance Issues:

The Chief of Police & Safety is the campus liaison for the IU Office of Risk Management and will handle all insurance inquiries or referrals.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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