

Student activity fee budgets are prepared and administered as follows:

  1. In January, Accounting Services will forecast anticipated revenue from the student activity fees for the coming fiscal year.
  2. In January, the chair of the Student Life Committee will send out budget worksheets to each account manager whose account is funded with student activity fees. Account managers must submit proposed budget worksheets with detailed justifications. If there is a need to add a new program or request additional funds for a current program, a description of the use of this new funding must be included.
  3. In February, the Student Life Committee holds budget hearings with the SAF account managers to review proposed income and expense budgets and make recommended allocations to those budgets.
  4. In February, the Student Life Committee proposes student activity fee allocations to the chancellor for review and recommendation to the IU President and IU Board of Trustees who make final budgetary decisions for the new fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
  5. Programs currently funded on an ongoing basis by student activity fees and funding policies for student activity fee revenue can be found at the Student Activity Fee website.
  6. Account managers are responsible for informing the Student Life Committee, in a timely fashion, of any varying circumstances effecting their current budgets or future funding needs.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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