Group Study Room Policies
- Please book a room anytime you use it. If a room is open, you can reserve it , use the QR codes on the doors and tables in the room, or call the Service Desk at 812-941-2485.
- Please check in to the study room when you arrive. You may check in using the code in your reservation email or by calling 812-941-2485 or stopping by the Service Desk on your way to the room. If you do not check in within 15 minutes of the start of your booking, your reservation will be canceled, and the room will be available for others to reserve.
- Group Study Rooms may be reserved in increments of up to 2 hours.
- You can reserve a room up to 2 weeks in advance.
- Please keep the door closed when the room is occupied.
- The bottom (first) floor is a Quiet Zone Area.
To reserve a room, use the , stop by the Service Desk, or call us at 812-941-2485.