Reference Services
Reference Services at the IU Southeast Library are provided by six full-time faculty librarians. Our services include:
- Individual research assistance for students, faculty, and staff in person at the Service Desk, on the phone at 812-941-2485, and online though chat, email, or videoconferencing, during
- Individual research consultations (available in person or through Zoom by appointment) through
- Collaboration with teaching faculty to provide instruction in information literacy. Contact Maria Accardi, Coordinator of Library Instruction, for more information, at
IU Southeast Library Service Desk Interactions
October 2021 - October 2022 by the Numbers
3,073 patrons visited the Library service desk.
2,166 of these visitors were students.
23.16% of all patrons visited on a Tuesday.
560 material check ins and check outs.
495 research questions answered.
451 study rooms reserved.
Voter Registration Forms
In compliance with certain federal and state requirements, we provide voter registration information. Self-mailing forms that can be filled out to register to vote in Indiana are available at the Library Service Desk.
Online voter registration is available in both states:
Registration Deadline: Applications must be submitted electronically, postmarked, or hand delivered to your county voter registration office, no later than 29 days before the next election in both states.