
Prevention and Awareness

These goals will be carried out through efforts in five key areas:

  • A Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)
  • Comprehensive prevention education and outreach
  • Student conduct
  • Law enforcement
  • Victim services

Understanding Consent workshops

What to expect from a STAR workshop:

  • One hour or less workshops
  • Handouts provided to each attendee
  • PowerPoint presentation that includes group interaction

If you would like to request STAR to present a workshop to your organization, class, club, etc. please fill out a request form as thoroughly as possible.  

*Please submit your request 3-4 weeks ahead of the desired date.

Get connected

You can stay connected with STAR on Facebook and Instagram, as well as stay up to date on .

Become a STAR Peer Educator

IU Southeast students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and in good conduct standing are eligible to apply for the program. Contact the Office of Campus Life for more information.

Advocacy on Campus

IU Southeast and the Center for Women and Families (CWF) have collaborated for several years on programs to prevent sexual misconduct on campus. CWF has conducted on-campus educational programs for students at IU Southeast and provides professional training for students and staff. IU Southeast wants to ensure the campus community has the supports in place to help assist anyone who has been a victim of sexual misconduct.

The CWF offers advocacy services on IU Southeast campus beginning Fall 2020. A CWF advocate is available to provide (confidential) trauma informed support to individuals affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault - regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, disability, immigration status, or language proficiency.

You can access services on campus by visiting the lower level of University Center South, across from the Campus Life Office.

Green Dot

Green Dot focuses on fostering two norms that ensure every member of our community is safe and able to thrive: (1) Power-based personal violence is not okay and (2) Everyone is expected to do their part to help (Dorothy J. Edwards, 2020).

As outlined in the OVW Campus Program Grant strategic plan, our campus trained staff and faculty across different disciplines to become certified Green Dot instructors for our campus community.

Green Dot training encourages students, faculty, and staff to consider the role of bystanders in preventing power-based personal violence and gives them reactive and proactive options for intervention, called green dots. The bystander role is one that anyone can relate to, take on, and see themselves as a part of. Green Dot provides concrete solutions and clear actions (Dorothy J. Edwards, 2020).

If you would like more information about Green Dot trainings or would like to bring a Green Dot training to a class or student organization, please contact Campus Life.

Things you can do to help


  • Co-host a prevention event with STAR and your student organization.
  • Incorporate bystander intervention tips into your next meeting’s agenda.
  • Invite STAR to present a workshop to your student organization or fraternity/sorority.
  • Attend a campus-sponsored event around violence prevention.

Faculty and Staff

  • Invite STAR to present a workshop in your class.
  • Become familiar with the campus reporting resources.
  • Attend a campus-sponsored event around violence prevention.
  • Provide extra credit for student attendance at campus and community violence prevention-related events.
  • Display violence prevention materials in your office (reach out to Campus Life with needs.)