Your university ID is a random, 10-digit number that IU uses to identify you in records. If you need to find your university ID number, log into and go to . You’ll find your university ID under “Personal Information” in the “Demographic Information” section.
Your university ID—it’s not your Social Security number, so what is it?
When your Social Security number may be used
The last four digits of your Social Security number (SSN) may be used for:
- Admission applications
- Registration
- Course enrollment documents
- Transcripts
- Certification requests
- Permanent academic records
Your full nine-digit SSN is necessary to determine your eligibility for federal grants and loans as well as other federal financial aid programs. You’re not required to disclose your SSN to us and you can request that it be removed from your records; however, refusing to disclose your SSN will prevent you from receiving federal financial aid.