Staff Council at 911±¬ÁÏÍø New Albany, Indiana
The purpose of the Staff Council at 911±¬ÁÏÍø shall be to represent staff in the communication processes and the decision-making of the university, and:
- to identify concerns relating to staff and to seek their solutions,
- to provide a channel of communication for staff with administration and faculty,
- to promote the development and adoption of policies which will aid in retaining highly-qualified personnel,
- to integrate the staff into existing university affairs,
- to establish and promote university-wide activities, publications, workshops and seminars,
- to create a stronger bond within the staff.
For the purpose of the IUS Staff Council organization, the term "non-academic staff" shall mean: the clerical, technical, and service maintenance employees who are not elsewhere represented. These are employees whose functional classifications are CL, TE, LE and SM. Appointed staff whose functional classification is non-academic. (By action of the Board of Trustees [July, 1981, the Office of the President has the authority to designate specific staff positions as ineligible for representation on the Staff Council.)
The Staff Council shall be drawn from the wide range of administrative areas and shall be chosen to represent the many facets of the University's operation. There shall be no less than 12 and no more than 36 members of the Council.
- Eligibility for Voting. All appointed staff as defined in Sec. II on active duty status on this campus on the date designated as opening date for nomination of candidates and who shall not have terminated employment prior to the date of election may vote for representatives.
- Eligibility for Elected Membership on the Staff Council. All appointed staff on the campus who have been on appointment status for six months or more immediately prior to the election starting term of July 1 shall be eligible for nomination and election. The Personnel Office shall provide a list of all appointed staff -by the following administrative areas: 1) Academic Affairs 2) Administrative Affairs 3) Enrollment Management and Student Affairs 4) Executive Management and UITS 5) University Advancement.
- Administrative Area Representation. Each of the five (5) administrative areas shall elect one (1) representative for each ten (10) persons employed in that area.
- Election and Term of Representatives. Election of representatives shall be held annually during the first week of June. Term of office is for two years beginning with July meeting.
- The Nominations
- Request for Self-Nominations. The first week of March, the Election Committee shall distribute a campus-wide email to all eligible, appointed staff calling for self-nominations to serve on Staff Council. The call for self-nominations shall commence until March 31st. Should a sufficient number of self-nominations be received, the list of self-nominees shall be brought forth to Staff Council for approval of appointments.
- Should there be an insufficient number of self-nominations received, the Election Committee shall distribute an alphabetical listing of all eligible, appointed staff by administrative area for nominations, which will be open until April 30th.
- Balloting. After receiving nominations and the nominees' consent to serve, the Election Committee shall distribute to eligible voters a ballot alphabetically listing nominees by administrative area. Each ballot will provide instructions sufficient to inform the voter of all rules and time schedules which the election may require.
- Counting of Ballots. Immediately upon the closing of the period of receipt of election ballots, the Election Committee shall verify the names of voters against the list of eligible voters, shall tally the valid votes, and shall declare the results.
- Tie Votes. In the event that two or more candidates within the same administrative area receive an equal number of votes, the election of one or more of them shall be by a method determined by the Election Committee.
- Election Results. The results of the election will be published immediately.
- Filling of Vacancies. The Election Committee shall supervise filling of vacancies.
The Staff Council shall annually, during the month of July, elect five (5) officers from its own membership to serve for one year or until their respective successors have been elected and seated. These officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-Arms.
- Eligibility for Office; Who May Vote. Only elected representatives of the Staff Council are eligible for election to the offices stated in Sec. IV. Only elected representatives of the Staff Council may nominate or cast ballots in the election of any office for the Staff Council.
- Election of Officers; When Held. During the first week of July, an email shall be sent out to all Staff Council members soliciting a call for nominations for the election of officers using an electronic ballot administered by the Election Committee. Staff Council members will be given approximately two (2) weeks to participate in the voting survey. The results of the survey will be announced at the July Staff Council meeting. If the results of the nominations are agreeable by all, the one-year appointment of the officers shall be confirmed. Otherwise, if there are nominations that are not agreed upon or a member is unable or unwilling to serve in an officer position, then the Council shall vote using a voice vote unless otherwise requested.
- Duties of the President.
- To preside at all meetings of the Staff Council.
- To determine, in consultation with the Secretary of the Staff Council, the agenda for all meetings of the Staff Council.
- To issue calls for both regular and special meetings.
- To appoint ad hoc committees of the Staff Council.
- To serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees, (and shall appoint a Parliamentarian).
- Hold elections for Standing Committee Chairs at August meeting and maintain list of all members.
- Upon a request from the Chancellor, the Staff Council President will recommend staff members to the Chancellor to serve on selected University Committees.
- Duties of the Vice President.
- To preside at meetings of the Staff council in the absence of the President.
- To become President of the Staff Council in the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the President and to fill out the unexpired term of office.
- Shall act on behalf of the President upon his/her request.
- In the absence of the secretary, shall act as recording secretary.
- Duties of the Secretary.
- To keep minutes of regular and special meetings of the Staff Council and to distribute copies of minutes to all Staff Council members at least five (5) working days prior to the next Staff Council meeting and all members upon request.
- To keep a roll call of the membership and an accurate record of each representative’s attendance at meetings of the Staff Council.
- Assist the president in determining agenda for meetings of the Staff Council and distribute to all Staff Council staff members five (5) working days prior to the next Staff Council meeting.
- To maintain the schedule for meeting places of the Staff Council.
- To preside at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-president and to appoint a secretary Pro-tem to record minutes of such meetings.
- Once a month, obtain from the Personnel Office a listing of new staff members and send these members a letter of welcome from the Staff Council President and a copy of By-Laws.
- Duties of the Treasurer.
- Maintain checking account including deposits, withdrawals and reconciling of statement.
- At each meeting, submit in written form (with copy to Secretary) monthly activity of the account, including details of income, expenses and resulting balance. (Prior approval from President needed for exceptions.)
- Prepare yearly statement.
- Act as chairperson for the Budget Committee.
- Duties of Parliamentarian / Sergeant-at-Arms.
- To assist the president in maintaining order and decorum at meetings of the Staff Council.
- To interpret and apply Robert's Rules of Order.
- To keep and maintain an accurate and up-to-date copy of the by-laws and all amendments.
- Term of Office. The term of office shall be one year. Officers may succeed themselves, if so elected for three (3) consecutive one-year terms (i.e. total consecutive years in the same office not to exceed four (4) years).
- Vacancies. A vacancy is created when the officer is no longer a member of the Staff Council, or requests to be relieved of duties. All vacancies shall be filled by election at the next meeting of the Staff Council under the facilitation of the Election Committee.
- Membership. At the August meeting, each member of Staff Council shall self-nominate to join a number of Standing Committees as determined by the President that year. Each Standing Committee shall elect a chairperson.
- Vacancies. Chairperson vacancies must be filled immediately by the Standing Committee impacted.
- Standing Committees
- Election Committee. The Election Committee shall consist of no less than five staff members. This committee shall conduct the election of each new Council in accordance with the guidelines of Section II of this document. This committee is also responsible for filling vacancies in line with guidelines previously outlined.
- By-Laws Committee. The By-Laws Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) staff members. This committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing the by-laws to make recommendations to the Staff Council as to needed changes and / or additions.
- Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) staff members. This committee shall have the responsibility of recommending nominees to serve on University Committees. In the event the chairperson of a standing committee is not able to form a committee, it will be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to fill the vacancies.
- Personnel Affairs Committee. The Personnel Affairs Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) staff members. This committee shall have the responsibility to interact with the Human Resources Department in areas of mutual concern, e.g. fringe benefits, recommendations relative to recognition of staff, basic employment opportunities at IUS; and shall have the responsibility to review areas of interest to staff.
- Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall consist of the Staff Council Treasurer and no less than three (3) additional staff members. This committee shall have the responsibility of creating a budget for the upcoming calendar year (January 1 to December 31). The proposed budget shall be presented by the Treasurer to the Staff Council for adoption at the regularly scheduled November Staff Council meeting each year.
Staff members appointed to University Committees are charged with the responsibility of submitting minutes of the meetings to the Vice-President of the Staff Council.
A simple majority of total Council members shall constitute a quorum for conducting meetings. All meetings shall be open to all staff members.
- Regularly Scheduled Meetings. The Staff Council shall have regularly scheduled meetings on a monthly basis. The meetings shall proceed according to the agenda.
- Agenda. Any employee may present an item to be considered for the agenda of regularly scheduled meetings. These items should be submitted to the secretary of the Staff Council.
- Voting. Voting on all matters other than election of officers of the Staff Council shall be by voice or electronic vote unless a secret ballot is requested.
- Motions. Motions may be proposed at any time and require a simple majority vote of those present. Each Staff Council member has the right to request that a motion be considered as a resolution (See Section VII-E).
- Resolutions. Resolutions shall be introduced at least one Staff Council meeting prior to presentation for vote. Immediate action may be taken on items by suspending this requirement with the unanimous consent of those members present. A two-thirds voice, electronic, or secret ballot vote is required for the adoption of a resolution. Reports of resolutions adopted and action taken shall be communicated to the staff by the appropriate means.
- Attendance. Each member of the Staff Council shall be expected to attend regular Council meetings. Should an individual be unable to attend, it shall be their responsibility to notify the president or vice-president prior to the meeting.
- Staff Council members and officers are expected to be present at all meetings, may not miss more than three consecutive meetings, and must attend a minimum of seven regularly scheduled meetings. Failure to meet attendance requirements will constitute abdication, which will be communicated to the impacted member or officer by the President of Staff Council.
These by-laws can be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the IUS Staff Council by a two-thirds vote of the Council, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous meeting and has been approved by the Chancellor of IUS for concurrence with Trustee Policy