
Parking and Traffic Regulations

Keep yourself informed about parking

The purpose of the IU Southeast parking system is to provide reasonable access to parking facilities for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Parking regulations help create an equitable system for all individuals driving to campus. Revenue generated from the parking fee system is used to operate, maintain, improve and expand all IU Southeast parking facilities. Anyone choosing to park their car on the IU Southeast campus is responsible for reading and understanding the rules and regulations.

Access the regulations online

Read IU Southeast's parking regulations online, or send us an email at iuspark@iu.edu to request a printable PDF version.

General parking regulations

  • Lack of parking spaces, mechanical problems, inclement weather or other disabilities do not justify parking violations. A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space, merely the opportunity to park in a specified area as defined by the privileges of the permit.
  • Ownership of the permit remains with the University. Permits are nontransferable and are not for resale. Permits must be returned to University Police when the user leaves the University or will not be parking on campus for a month or more to avoid accumulating additional charges.
  • Regulations are subject to amendment as approved by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs and/or the Chancellor’s Cabinet. The regulations are in effect and enforced at all times. In all cases of conflict, signs and markings should be presumed correct and will take precedence over any conflicting parking map designation. A vehicle is deemed parked when the vehicle is stationary, whether occupied or not.
  • All areas and facilities in the University parking system are controlled. Permit areas are designated by the appropriate signage. Signs are posted at the entrances and within lots as to proper permits authorized to park in the area. Permits issued indicate the parking areas permitted to the holder. Designated areas may be revised as parking needs change. Use of certain lots may be temporarily restricted to facilitate special events, construction, maintenance or other unusual circumstances. A parking permit is valid while conducting University business on campus, not for the purpose of storing a vehicle on campus.
  • The Softball Field lot located across Hausfeldt Lane does not require a permit during games.
  • All vehicles parked in a permit lot must properly display a parking permit by hanging it from the rear view mirror, so that the permit number and expiration date are clearly visible. Vehicles without permits must purchase and display a visitor pass. Departments planning events that will require public parking should contact the University Police at least two weeks in advance to make arrangements for visitors.
  • Parking of motor vehicles on campus is confined to areas designated for that purpose or as directed by the University Police. Parking is prohibited on lawns, in construction areas, or any other area that would mar the landscape of campus, create a hazard or interfere with use of University facilities by others.
  • The person in whose name a parking permit is issued is responsible for all violations by all vehicles displaying that permit. A citation is not excused because another person was using the vehicle or the permit. Drivers of University vehicles are responsible for violations they receive while operating the vehicle.
  • IU Southeast honors parking permits from other Indiana University campuses in comparable parking areas. Marked University vehicles may park in EM or Student zones. Visit the webpage to view area and location specifics.
  • Spaces designated for small/compact cars (no trucks) are for vehicles with an overall length of 15 feet or less.
  • Any vehicle in violation of parking regulations or any which are apparently abandoned may be towed and stored at the owner’s expense.
  • Accumulation of 6 or more paid or unpaid parking citations within a year will result in a tow warning. The tow warning gives the violator 48 hours to settle all charges or the vehicle will be towed even if the vehicle is not in violation of regulations. Accumulating 8 or more unpaid citations will result in tow without warning.
  • Habitual violators are defined by six unexcused parking violations within a year. Habitual violators may lose parking privileges on IU Southeast property.
  • Any vehicle in violation of towable offenses may be towed and stored at the owner’s expense by the wrecker service of the University’s choice. Tow fees will be paid directly to the towing company. If the truck is called to campus and the owner appears before the vehicle is towed, the owner/violator shall be responsible for a dry-run fee to the wrecker driver. The same release conditions apply to vehicles immobilized.
  • Altering any permit in any way or counterfeiting a permit is considered theft of services. Violators will be fined for the violation and may pay all back parking charges for the duration of the permit. The permit will be confiscated. Student violators will be referred to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs for student conduct violations. Faculty and Staff violators will be referred to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Administrative Affairs respectively.
  • Bicycles will not be chained or locked to undesignated University property (trees, benches, light poles, fences) or areas prohibited by fire code (doorways, corridors, stairways, fire exits) Bicycles may not be parked in a space designated for a motor vehicle.
  • If you have a valid parking permit and receive a citation for No Valid Permit or Improper Display of Permit, the citation will be voided once per calendar year, upon appeal.
  • Camping, living, or otherwise using one’s vehicle as a residence is not permitted on campus.

If you would like a printable PDF version of IU Southeast's parking regulations, email us at iuspark@iu.edu.