
Admitted Student Series

How to be an IU Southeast student

The Admitted Student Series are optional sessions that admitted students can attend to help them through the enrollment process. Sessions will cover topics like preparing for class registration and understanding your financial aid letter. We will also have people available to assist you with creating your IU account, navigating our platforms, and answering any questions you might have.

Session topics and dates

Feel free to attend to as many sessions as you want or need. Registration is encouraged but not required. All sessions will be in person.

Session Information

Understanding Your Financial Aid

Talk with our Student Central expert about completing your FAFSA, applying for scholarships, understanding your Financial Aid Letter, and more!

Preparing for Class Registration

Join us as one of our Academic Advisors answer questions about the Canvas Welcome Course, iGPS, degree maps, and class registration!

Admitted Students Day

Admitted students are invited to campus during our annual IU Day! Enjoy inflatables, food trucks, and more while mingling with our IU Southeast community.