
Direct Admit

Skip testing and application fees for graduate programs

Here’s another benefit to your IU Southeast degree: Some recent IU Southeast graduates can now bypass the regular application process and get direct admission into some IU Southeast graduate programs!

If you have graduated from IU Southeast within the past 5 years and had a 3.0 G.P.A. or higher, you have already been accepted into an IU Southeast graduate program. No application fee, tests, essays, or recommendation letters are required—you are admitted directly to the program of your choice.

Review the list of eligible direct admit programs below. They are open to any major.

Teacher Certification Programs

Early Childhood Transition to Teaching
Leads to certification and licensure for pre-kindergarten through grade 3 teachers.

Elementary Transition to Teaching
Leads to a K-6 teaching certification. All classes also count toward a Master of Science in Education.

Secondary Advance to Teaching
Leads to teaching certification for grades 5-12; open to graduates from 17 content areas. All classes also count toward a Master of Science in Education.

Special Education Transition to Teaching
Leads to a license in teaching students at any grade level with mild to moderate disabilities.

How to get started

If you have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher

Congratulations! You have already been admitted to a graduate program. Simply complete the direct admission form to get started.

If you have a G.P.A. lower than a 3.0

You can still be accepted to graduate school!  Complete the regular application.

Apply today!