
Recruit and Connect

Connect through events

Connecting with our student body can happen in a number of structured events and opportunities presented through out the year. These events can vary from speed networking, etiquette dinners, career fairs (in-person and online), tables on campus for recruiting, specialized recruiting events, résumé review events, and on-campus in on-campus interviews.

Recruitment Tips

One visit is not enough
Always have a strategy that keeps your company’s brand present on campus throughout the year through a mix of recruitment strategies. One average a student is told something 7 times before it becomes a strong guiding memory. Think of a multipronged recruiting strategy that includes branding sponsorships, volunteer opportunities, and bringing students to your company through experiential opportunities.

Clear job qualifications, salary, and duties
Students become very hesitant of vague opportunities. If an employer is transparent on salary, qualifications, and duties, students are more likely to engage with that employer, and the employer is more likely to find quality long-term employees.

Culture is key
Students seeking their first after-college job experience are looking for more than a salary range: They want to feel a sense of belonging. Speak about your company culture and built-in support and growth opportunities. We want these employees to be with you long-term. Tell them why your company is the place to land.

Understand timelines
By the time graduation rolls around many students have already secured jobs, and it is too late for many employers. Know that our students are instructed to start looking early and typically accept offers as late as March for first initial jobs. Ensure your hiring timelines are aligned with student needs. Employers who offer to work around class schedules until graduation are also incredibly valuable!

Use your Career Development office
Career Development is your key to recruiting. Our main goal is to develop students professionally to ready themselves for wonderful employment opportunities you offer. Reach out to them early and often to refine your recruiting relationship with the university. A solid relationship with Career Development supports your recruiting needs and the university's needs in producing students who are career-ready.