Diversity Courses
The following courses at 911±¬ÁÏÍø are approved for meeting the General Education Requirement for “Reasoning about Diversity.” Some courses may be offered as hybrid or online-only courses.
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AFRO-A 169 — Introduction to Afro American Literature (3 cr.)
Introduction to the African American literary tradition from the 1600s to the present.
AFRO-A 249 — African American Autobiography (3 cr.)
A survey of autobiographies written by black Americans in the last two centuries.
EDUC-M 300 — Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
This course is designed to introduce students to teaching as a profession. Students focus upon the “self as teacher,” learning styles, cultural pluralism, and classroom teaching strategies that respond positively to the personal and ethnic diversity of the learner.
ENG-L 207 — Women and Literature (3 cr.)
Issues and approaches to critical study of women writers and treatment in British and American literature.
FINA-A 150 — African, New World, and Oceanic Art (3 cr.)
A survey of the arts and cultures of the native peoples of Africa, North and South America, and the South Pacific. FINA-A 150 and FINA-A 458 may not both be taken for credit.
GEOG-G 201 — World Regional Geography (3 cr.)
Geographical analysis of regions occupied by European cultures and of indigenous spatial developments in non-Western areas.
HIST-E 100 — Issues in African History (3 cr.)
Survey of selected historical issues and problems. Topics will vary from semester to semester, but will be broad subjects that cut across fields, regions, and periods.
HIST-F 100 — Issues in Latin American History (3 cr.)
The coming together of the three races in the New World; the construction of a social, political, and economic order; the resilience and/or fragility of the social, political, and economic order in modern times.
HIST-F 216 — History of Slavery in the Americas (3 cr.)
Slavery in the New World is explored by comparing its forms in North America and in the Caribbean and South America. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms by which slaves were held in slavery, and the adaptation and accommodations that were made by both masters and slaves.
HIST-F 232 — Upheaval in 20th Century Latin America (3 cr.)
An examination of major breaks in the continuities of Latin American history, revolutions both on the right and on the left, as well as the great popular uprising in Mexico with which such folk heroes as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata are associated.
HIST-G 100 — Issues in Asian History (3 cr.)
Study and analysis of selected historical issues and problems in Asian societies; especially important are their political institutions, economic development, ideological and religious foundations, and social changes.
HIST-H 207 — Modern East-Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
Focus on China, Japan, and Korea in the twentieth century. Explores the history of each individual country and the experiences shared by all three. Traditional values challenged by modernism, interactions with the West, domestic strife.
HIST-H 231 — Women, Men, and Family in History (3 cr.)
The course will examine changes in relationships within the family and the changing role of the family in society. Changes in gender roles will be highlighted. Among the topics to be discussed are courtship, marriage, inheritance, child-bearing, child labor, the origins of family limitation and birth control, and the effects of other institutions on the family. This course can be authorized for a variable course title so that different regions of the world can be specified, such as: "Women, Men and Family History: Latin America," or "Women, Men and Family in History: Asia."
HON-H 103 — Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience I (3 cr.)
Admission to the Honors Program. A skills course emphasizing writing, reading, speaking, thinking skills, collaborative learning, diversity, research, and the use of technology in an academic setting. Readings and discussion of texts-in-common selected by Honors faculty and studied in preparation for possible project presentation at the Mid-East Honors Conference in the spring. Ordinarily taken during the first semester of study at IU Southeast. Part one of the required two semester seminar sequence for Tier One students.
PHIL-P 170 — Introduction to Asian Philosophy (3 cr.)
Survey of select philosophical traditions of India, China, and Japan, including Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Topics include the nature of reality, ethical responsibility, and the role of the “self” in creating ignorance and attaining enlightenment.
POLS-Y 107 — Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 cr.)
Explores similarities and differences between political institutions and processes in political systems around the world. Usually covers Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Mexico, Nigeria, and Iran.
POLS-Y 109 — Introduction to International Relations (3 cr.)
Causes of war, nature and attributes of the state, imperialism, international law, national sovereignty, arbitration, adjudication, international organizations, major international issues.
SOC-S 163 — Social Problems (3 cr.)
Major social problems in areas such as the family, religion, economic order; crime, mental disorders, civil rights; racial, ethnic, and international tensions. Relation to structure and values of larger society.
SPHC-S 122 — Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
Practical consideration of spontaneous human interaction in face-to-face situations. Special attention is given to perception, language, and attitudes in dyads and small groups.