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Academic Misconduct
If an instructor believes a student has committed an act of academic
misconduct, academic misconduct proceedings against the student
should be initiated.
Informal conference with instructor and student within 14 days
of discovery.
Student given an opportunity to respond to allegations.
If misconduct is determined, academic sanctions may include:
A lower grade than the student would otherwise have
received for the assignment, course work, examination,
paper, etc.
A failing grade for the assignment, course work,
examination, or paper.
Repeat or resubmit the assignment, course work,
examination, or paper.
Complete some additional assignment, course work,
examination, or paper as substitute for the assignment,
course work, examination, or paper.
Withdraw from the course with an appropriate grade of
W or F, at the faculty member's discretion.
A lower grade than the student would otherwise have
received for the course, including a failing grade.
Within seven calendar days, instructor must complete Academic
Misconduct Report for Office of Student Affairs.
The record for academic misconduct will be centrally filed in the
student’s disciplinary record.
Action Guide for Faculty
Referring Students in Distress for Help
Student in Crisis
A student whose conduct is markedly bizarre, disruptive, or dangerous;
verbal or physical threats, active threats of suicide.
Troubled Student
A student who appears confused, very sad, highly anxious, irritable, lacks
motivation and/or concentration;
may be thinking about suicide.
Troubling Student
A student who tries to manipulate and control classroom, test limits,
aggravates others, or does not respect property.
If you believe that a student may pose a threat of imminent danger of
harm to him/herself or to others, call the IU Southeast Police
immediately, 941-2400.
Campus Safety or Health
Emergency: IUSPD..........................................941-2400
Emotional Support/Consultation:
Personal Counseling Services..........................941-2244
Disability Support/Consultation:
Disability Services...........................................941-2243
Personal Misconduct/Consultation:
Office of Student Affairs.................................941-2420
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