
Art Education

Prepare your next step in art education

The IU Southeast Bachelor of Science in Art Education is a four-year degree that offers an in-depth study of the Art Education profession and gives students the professional coursework needed for credentialed teaching. 

This is the only undergraduate art education program offered in the Kentuckiana region.

Start your journey to a lifetime of success

Art teacher demonstrating ceramic techniques to her students.

B.S. in Art Education

This degree will combine classroom instruction with hands on work in art studio classrooms and facilities that will promote the understanding of fine arts disciplines, such as art history, drawing, ceramics, graphic design, digital art, printmaking, and painting will prepare Art Education students for skill and concept-based teaching.

$49,450Average salary for an art teacher holding an undergraduate degree in Art Education in our region

12.4%Expected market growth for teachers holding this degree in the next decade.

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