Current Students
Room Reservation Request
To request time in Stem Concert Hall, Recital Hall, Orchestra Rehearsal Room, Theory Classroom, or the Performance (Movement and Dance) Classroom, you must submit a Room/Hall Reservation Request Form.
Applied Instructor Evaluation
Students enrolled in an applied music course should submit an and a at the end of each semester.
Gateway Exam
All students majoring in Music at IU Southeast are required to complete 7 semesters of MUS-X 095 Performance Class with a grade of "S" in order to graduate.
Learn more about the Gateway Exam »
Academic Success
Music majors are required to achieve a minimum grade of C in all music courses as well as a Satisfactory in seven semesters of X095 Performance Class.
Ensemble – Students are encouraged to participate in all ensembles appropriate to their performance skills. However, certain ensembles are required for particular majors as part of the ensemble requirement (for either 0 credit or 1 credit – see curricula)
Concert Choir – for Vocal Performance and Music Ed/Vocal as well as other majors admitted through audition. University Singers may be an option with permission of the Director if there is a scheduling conflict.
University Singers – music majors not admitted to Concert Choir or other ensembles
Orchestra – by audition: for strings, winds, brass musicians and percussionists
Concert Band – by audition: for winds, brass musicians and percussionists
Brass Band – by audition: for brass musicians and percussionists
Guitar Ensemble – by audition: for students whose primary instrument is guitar. Up to three semesters in Guitar Ensemble may be applied toward the Ensemble requirement.
Music History Research Award
The IU Southeast Music History Research Award is a newly designed prize intended to honor superlative writing and research. This award shall be presented each spring to the student whose paper is deemed to be of exceptional quality in terms of research, construction, and originality. Such a paper would need to go above and beyond the regular criteria expected of an undergraduate student work.
Guidelines and Criteria
- Any student enrolled in one of the four upper-level music history or literature classes (M201, M202, M403, or M404) is eligible. The student need not be a music major.
- The students must have a current cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- In order to be considered for this award, the student shall submit two copies of the research paper. No other application or essay need be completed.
- A student may not receive the award more than twice.
- The best papers from both fall and spring semesters will be considered and turned over to a committee for judging. The judges will not know the identity of the students in order to ensure a fair and unbiased decision. Only the instructor of the music history course will know the authors of the papers in order to keep track of the contestants.
- The winner, as deemed by the committee, will win a $150 scholarship prize which will be deposited directly into his/her Bursar account. In the event of a tie, the amount will be split evenly by two students. In rare cases, a first prize of $100 and a second prize of $50 will be awarded.
- The judges reserve the right not to select a winner if no entry is deemed to be of a high caliber.
- The decision of the judges is final.
- These rules are subject to change.
For more information, contact Dr. Ann Glazer Niren.
Fast Facts for Music Majors
This is not intended to be a complete list of policies and procedures. Students should also consult the 911±¬ÁÏÍø Bulletin and their academic and music advisors.
Course Requirements for your Major/Concentration – The list of courses required for your major will be found in the IU Southeast Bulletin current at the time you were admitted to the music program. For example, if you were admitted to IUS/music in 2001 you will find your course requirements in that Bulletin. If you were admitted to IUS in 2001 but not admitted to IUS/music until 2002 your requirements for academics will be in the 2001 Bulletin and requirements for music courses will be listed in the 2002 Bulletin. Generally, you will adhere to the requirements in your Bulletin. Should courses be discontinued or the curriculum altered in some way that is helpful to you the music faculty may choose to make some exceptions for you, but this is a faculty decision. Advice and information from student colleagues may not be correct since they may have entered under a different Bulletin. Always see your faculty advisor if you have a question.
Music Programs traditionally have requirements in addition to the list of courses you need to study.
These specific Music Major Requirements are explained below.
Performance Class (X095) — All music majors must pass 7 semesters of this course in order to graduate (exceptions may be made for students acquiring a second degree or students who transfer to IUS with substantial college music credits). This is a 0 credit course, so you do not have to pay tuition for it. However, it is required. The specific requirement of the class is attendance at 4 Performance Classes and attendance at 6 concerts in which you are not a performer (no pop music concerts). Typically, eight different Performance Classes are scheduled through the semester (four on Tuesday's from 4-5 PM and four on Wednesdays from 12:20-1:10) from which you may select 4 to attend. Performance majors must perform a minimum of once per semester. Others are encouraged to perform or present projects. The schedule of classes will be posted early each semester. Students should save programs and ticket stubs from the concerts they attend and hand them in to Dr. Goldstein at the end of the semester.
Ensemble — All music majors are required to participate in major university ensembles for 4 credit hours and 3 additional semesters at 0 credit hours (Exceptions to the additional 0 credit requirement may be made for students acquiring a second degree or students who transfer to IUS with substantial college music credits). You are welcome and encouraged, of course, to participate in additional semesters or for multiple ensembles. If you are a pianist or guitarist and there is no ensemble for your instrument or if you are a tech or business concentration student and your instrumental skills are not appropriate for orchestra or one of the bands, you must participate in one of the choirs. There is no alternative service. All students must perform in an ensemble. Guitar Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble are not considered "major" ensembles. performance in Guitar Ensemble or Percussion Ensemble does not count toward fulfilling the ensemble requirement.
Ensembles for credit — X040 — Orchestra, Brass Band, Concert Band / X070 — Concert Choir and Community Chorus
Ensembles for 0 credit — X001 — there is a section for each ensemble mentioned above
Gateway Exam – All music majors must pass a Gateway Exam prior to registering for 400 level music classes. Students should sign up for these exams during Jury Week during the semester in which they are eligible to take the exam. Gateways will take approximately one half hour. Your major studio teacher and your advisor must be available to attend the Gateway. (In some cases this may be the same faculty member). At least two additional faculty must also be available. Your advisor can assist in the scheduling. Please check with your advisor on faculty availability prior to signing up for a specific time. Please see the link below for details on the requirements for the Gateway Exam.
Capstone Project – All music majors are required to present a capstone project that relates to their major concentration. These should be completed in the senior year. Your major studio teacher and your advisor in addition to two other faculty must be present for your presentation. Your advisor can help with this scheduling. Please see the link below for Capstones for details on requirements and scheduling.
Senior Recitals and Senior Projects — All music majors have a capstone project that relates to their concentration. These should be completed in the senior year.
Performance Majors – Senior Recital. Recitals should include at least 50 minutes of actual performing time. You must schedule a Recital Hearing in the Recital Hall 3 weeks prior to the formal recital date. Your applied music instructor must be available for this hearing. The faculty will hear the recital in its entirety but in an informal setting. You should have a draft of your program notes prepared for the Hearing. You cannot give your recital until you pass the Recital Hearing. The Recital will be juried by a panel of 3 music faculty, including your major applied instructor. You are responsible for preparing the program, all PR, all invitations, as well as a reception should you want one. Students are responsible for finding their own accompanists.
Composition for the Concert Stage – You will produce a CD of your entire portfolio of compositions - a minimum of 32 minutes (about 8 minutes of music per semester of composition study) that you worked on during your study at IUS. The CD recording can contain recorded performances of your work, MIDI representations, or a combination of the two. One large orchestral, band, or choral work must be part of the portfolio. Composition students are required to present an analysis of one work at a Performance Class as part of their Capstone Project.
Composition for Film & Media – You will produce a CD of your entire portfolio of compositions - a minimum of 20 minutes (8 minutes of music per semester of study) that you worked on during your study at IUS, and at least one project that highlights composition with Film and/or other media. Composition students are required to present an analysis of one work at a Performance Class as part of their Capstone Project.
Sound Engineering – Students will produce a CD portfolio of at least 5 recorded and edited works that represents diverse styles and instrumentation. All students must have at least one classical work on the CD. In addition to compiling the CD, students will be required to write a paper (minimum 5 pages) that describes, in detail, the process and technologies used for recording and editing each work represented on the CD. Finally, students will be required to present their CD portfolio at a performance class (maximum allowed time: 30 minutes).
Music Business – Completed paper that is a business or marketing plan or similar project related to your internship. Please see the Music Business advisor for approval of the topic.
Advising — The School of Arts & Letters, of which the Music Dept is a part, now has its own academic advisor, Greg Roberts. He will have an office in Knobview Hall beginning this fall semester. Music majors should advise with him on general academic subjects and advise with either Dr. Goldstein, Dr. Stem, or Mr. Haertel with regard to music classes. It is required that students advise with these faculty and staff prior to registration each semester or, at a minimum, annually if they have received information for the entire academic year.
Instrumental/Vocal Performance majors – advise with Dr. Goldstein
Music Education – advise with Dr. Nichols
Music Business and Sound Engineering majors – advise with Mr. Haertel
Composition majors — advise with Dr. Stem
In your senior year, in the semester prior to graduation, you will need to advise with the Dean of the School of Arts & Letters, Dr. Earley, in order to ensure that you have completed all requirements for graduation.
Grades — All music majors are required to achieve a minimum grade of C in all music classes. In Music Theory and Ear-training you cannot continue on to the next level of the course until you achieve that minimum grade.
Scholarships — Auditions for music scholarships for incoming students or current students who have never received a scholarship take place in February and March. Contact Music Dept. Office for scheduled audition dates. With exception to the Stem Scholarship, all scholarships last for one year only. Students interested in renewing a scholarship must fill out the appropriate forms and apply by no later than March 1st. All scholarships, including renewals, are competitive and based on the availability of funds. The faculty cannot guarantee continuation of a scholarship or continuation of specific amounts of scholarship. All scholarship students are required to participate in ensembles and participate in the department as stipulated in their scholarship contract. Please see the Music Department office staff if you need additional information or the necessary forms. You can also retrieve the forms from the music department's website at