
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Human Resources Management

Invest in your future with a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Human Resources Management from IU Southeast. Take the next step toward achieving your career goals and become a leader in the dynamic field of HR management.

Our strategic pathway to success in a competitive market

In today’s competitive job market, specialized skills and credentials are essential for career advancement. Our program offers a strategic pathway that will help you deepen your knowledge and expertise in HR management, enabling you to thrive in various organizational settings. Learn from expert faculty and leaders in the field, using hands-on experiences and case studies to earn real-world experience.

Stay ahead of industry trends and best practices with our industry-relevant curriculum. Developed in consultation with HR professionals and industry experts, our program ensures that you acquire practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to real-world HR challenges. Connect with fellow HR professionals, faculty members, and industry leaders through our extensive network. Build valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and gain insights into emerging trends, further enriching your learning experience and professional development.

Advance your career or pivot to something new

Enhance your professional credentials and unlock new career opportunities. Whether you're looking to advance in your current role or transition into the HR field, our certificate program equips you with the skills and qualifications employers demand. If you're looking to switch careers or pivot into the field of Human Resources, a post-baccalaureate certificate can provide you with the necessary knowledge and credentials to make that transition successfully. with the needs of working professionals in mind, our program offers flexibility and convenience.

Whether you're starting your career in HR or seeking to advance to the next level, investing in additional education can spark the career growth and opportunities you're looking for.

Certificate information

TBD credit hours
Minimum cumulative G.P.A. of TBD

For more information specific to you and your situation, meet with your academic advisor and find your ideal pathway to complete your degree on time.

All students entering the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program must have completed a bachelor’s degree prior to enrolling. Previous equivalent coursework can fulfill some of the course requirements for this certificate.

All courses are 3.0 credit hours and require a grade of C- or better unless otherwise noted.

Courses (choose 5)

  • BUS-W 301 - Principles of Management
  • BUS-Z 440 - Personnel and Human Resource Management
  • BUS-Z 441 - Wage and Salary Administration
  • BUS-Z 443 - Developing Employee Skills
  • BUS-Z 444 - Personnel Research and Measurement
  • BUS-Z 445 - Human Resource Selection

Students may be eligible for Financial Aid for the Human Resources Management Certificate.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), post-baccalaureate certificates are a great way to fast-track your career in an affordable way.

When time and money are a major concern, certificates allow recipients to gain skills in their field of choice in a relatively short period of time, usually less than a year, and for a price that won’t break the bank.

Your brighter future begins here