
Learning Communities

Make IU Southeast feel like home

We want IU Southeast to feel like a home to you from the moment you step on our campus. Our flexible learning communities are one of the ways we help you feel like you belong.

Our learning communities consist of two paired courses that meet the needs of first-year and transfer students. Faculty teaching these courses create a common theme and activities designed to help students get to know each other and adjust to the campus.

For more information, reach out to Academic Advising.

Visit the Academic Advising website

Examples of learning communities available in Fall 2022

BUS-W 100 & MATH-M 129

Make connections, understand business in an exciting way, and learn math you’ll actually use! This learning community will help you understand business, build connections with faculty and fellow students, and involve learning math you'll use in your business career.

HIST-H 104 & ENG-W 131

This learning community offers the unique opportunity to foster valuable and transferrable knowledge in writing, analysis, and argumentation, while exploring the human story to create both a better understanding of the past. Build real-world skills that will follow you through college and into your career.

ENG-W 250 & EDUC-K 205

Students with interest in the education community will connect with each other through an understanding and awareness of diversity and disabilities to develop an empathetic perspective in the classroom and beyond, with a writing project that will provide instruction in storytelling through Adobe technologies.

Are you ready to take your next step by getting career-ready with hands-on experience?